
One Body Many Members 7-17-15

The past two weeks have been busy at MOF. Last week we had our annual Campmeeting. We saw hundreds of people visit our church and experience an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  We also fed hundreds of people throughout the week in our fellowship hall.  This week we had our Vacation Bible School, where dozens of children received Jesus Christ into their hearts.

As I observed the church these past two weeks I was inspired when I saw the members of the body at work.  Paul said in Romans 12:4-5, “Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other(NLT)”  I have seen that scripture in action in our local body! From our worship team, to our ushers, to our altar workers,to our sound crew, to the people working long hours in the kitchen, dedicating their time to make the body function.  People from across the country were coming in to experience what God is doing, but long before the first person arrived and long after the last person left the members of our local body were preparing a place for us to meet with God.  Sweeping the floors, cleaning the restrooms, preparing food, meeting in prayer, serving the visiting ministries, what an awesome sight to see! If that was not enough we went directly from Campmeeting to VBS.  What an inspiration to see volunteers of the body dedicating their valuable time to the spiritual growth and well-being of small children. Putting together decorations and forming lessons that would grab the attention of young children. Making crafts and doing activities that would help these kids remember the lessons they were taught. Every night the members of this body have been taking time away from their families and things that they need to do in their own personal lives and dedicating that time to become the hands and feet of Christ.

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To all of the workers who have been exhausting yourselves, your work has not went unnoticed by me, and I know for sure it has not went unnoticed by God. He has given us a great harvest for our labors.  The young and old alike have been saved, baptized in the Holy Ghost, healed, delivered, and equipped to win the battles in their lives. You have made this possible by your dedication to the body of Christ and MOF church! Thank You!


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